Working mothers are superhuman, and we simply can’t be convinced otherwise. Whether you’re in the office and your littles are with another caretaker during the day, you’re working from home and trying to manage meetings and deadlines between meals and naps, traveling for work and being away from your littles, working as a stay-at-home-mom, or anywhere in between – the stretch that we feel as working mothers is IMMENSE. To say the least. And yet, somehow – we do it. Sometimes seamlessly, sometimes with an unidentified stain on our shirt, and sometimes in a zombie-like state from lack of sleep – but somehow… we do it. Every day, we get up and we do it. Before we go any further – please stop to inhale and exhale a moment of pride for how amazing you are. 

The Best free resources for working moms | Ade + Ayo

In this blog post, we’ll be looking at three of our favorite free resources for working moms. A few to keep your littles growing and learning – and one to make sure that your mama brain stays cared for and nurtured as it should be! 

For Littles

Vroom: Website/App

Vroom App | Best free resources for working moms

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In big bold orange letters on their website, it reads “Life gets busy. Vroom stays simple.” – and this encapsulates what Vroom has to offer. They do all the hard work and heavy lifting for you (we’re talking science-based research and organizing it into a state-of-the-art website and app) so all you have to do is create a free account, download the app (or log in from your computer), and the intuitive nature of the app will guide you. Based on your child’s age and developmental needs, Vroom will provide activities to stimulate learning and brain development. Waiting at the doctor's office? Vroom has a recommended activity for that. How about getting your child dressed in the morning? Vroom has a recommended activity for that. They also have an “Anytime Anywhere” category that is full of such simple yet engaging activities to do with your littles. 

This not only helps your child’s growing brain – but it really creates space for busy moms to just have fun with their kids. No preemptive Pinterest research, no researching all of Google to find age-appropriate activities – Vroom provides them for you with the tap of a finger. 

And last, but certainly not least, Vroom also has a text message service where you can receive customized tips for your child, straight to your phone! 

Vroom is Available in both English and Spanish. Best for children ages 0-5. 

Follow Vroom on Instagram

Sign up for Vroom

Library Card: Activity/Learning

library books | free resources for working moms

We know so many mamas already take advantage of having a local library card – but there are so many who don’t already have one, so it’s worth the mention – as it’s arguably one of the best free resources for kids/moms. The library is not only a great outing for kids of all ages (a section for everyone, a place to practice being quiet, often a kid-friendly zone… need I say more?) and it's the kind of outing where you don’t have to worry about spending any money. Each kid can pick out however many books you determine is okay, and then check them out to be read together at home!

Don’t have time to make a trip to the library? Most public libraries have options available to check out books, movies, eBooks, magazines, and more virtually from the comfort of your home. Ask your local library what kinds of virtual options they have available.   

Beyond having hundreds of books at your fingertips (physically or virtual) your public library will typically have free activities for kids like story time, art classes, lego building, and homework help for older kids. This is also something you can likely find online based on which local library you have access to. 

For Mama

Peanut: App/Social

Peanut App | Apps for Working Moms | Resources for Working Moms

There are tons of apps for working moms to make scheduling easier, to meal plan, and organize your work and personal life… but this app is for another need that is so vitally important to motherhood: connection. 

It can be hard to meet other moms in town who are also juggling careers, families, errands, etc! That's where Peanut comes into play: this app works like Tinder for mothers but without any of that hassle (and with no judgment). You can easily find other women in your area with similar interests or who have kids close in age to your own. There’s also a “feed” similar to what you’d see on Facebook or Instagram, where you can socialize, ask for tips, share pictures, and more. 

From Peanut,

“Peanut was founded in 2017 when Michelle (founder and CEO) had her first child. With so many questions and no one to turn to, she was led into a world of online forums. These forums weren’t the place to find support and share vulnerable stories. Having worked in social networking for ten years, Michelle set out to reduce feelings of isolation and empower women to connect, all over the world. Her vision is to connect women at every life stage—from puberty and pregnancy through to motherhood and menopause—so that three women in the same family can all find support on Peanut when they need it most.”


If you’re a working mom, we salute you. Juggling work and family can be tough, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. We hope that these free resources make your life just a little bit easier–and maybe even add a healthy dose of joy to your days. Do you have any resources or secrets that you just couldn’t like without? If so – please share in the comments! 

As always, by joining our email list you can save 15% off your first order with Ade + Ayo!


April 13, 2022 — Temidayo Adedokun

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