The back-to-school season can be a hectic time for any mom. Between balancing homework, activities, and your own needs, it can be tough to know where to start. Luckily, we're here to help! In this blog post, we will provide you with back-to-school tips that will help you manage your time and responsibilities effectively. Read on for advice on how to make the most of this busy season!

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While we don't want to create even more "to-do's" for you -- trust us when we say creating a routine is the most essential piece to holding all the craziness together. This will help you stay on top of homework, activities, and your own needs. However, it's totally okay to be incredibly flexible with that routine as you are sorting out what works and what doesn't. Are there any key factors that help your morning run smoothly? (ex: a cup of coffee first thing before the kids are up, waking a specific child first, packing lunches the night before) -- whatever it may be, build off of what works and leave the rest! You'll find the routine that feels best for you and your family.

Get a Head Start

Another practical tip that centers around routines and is will make your life a heck of a lot easier (hopefully!) -- start bedtime routines earlier than you think you need to. (pro tip: start this the week before school starts so kids have a bit of time to adjust prior to that first day/week of school) Starting bed time routines a bit earlier than usually for the first week or two will create the essential buffer needed to wind every one down before bed. With new routines, increased stimulation, and homework -- getting to bed on time can get a little chaotic. Start the bedtime routines early to ensure every gets to bed on time, and there's lots of room for any unexpected (but quite expected) delays. ;)

Be Intentional

As things are in transition, it might require a bit more intentionality with your kiddos to make sure their emotional needs are being met. One of our most favorite ways to do this is by re-working the classic "how was school?!" when you pick your children up. Try something like, "who made you smile today?", "Which friends did you sit by at lunch?", or "what did you create today at school?" Chances are, you'll get a better insight into how their day really went, as well as creating a space for them to be seen and heard.

Remind Them You Care

Keeping with being intentional with your littles during this season of transition, another important thing you can do is share about what you do while they are at school and times that you were reminded of them/thought of them. (they'll likely be more interested in the latter) There are moments throughout our day that we are inevitably reminded of our kids, why not share those little moments? For little kids, this could be something like "I saw a fire truck today and it reminded me of you! I hope we see one together soon!" or "Today I was at the grocery store and thought to get you your favorite snack!" This way, they feel seen when you are gone and also know that they are on your mind.

Care for Yourself, Too!

Another back to school tip that's often overlooked is self-care. As moms, we are so used to putting our needs last -- but this season (and really every season) it's important to remember to take care of yourself. (you can always check out this list we curated for Mother's Day of our favorite at home beauty treatments from Black-Owned Businesses!) Whether it's taking a few minutes each day for some "me time" or scheduling a regular girls' night out, make sure to find time for activities that make you happy. This back to school season, don't forget to take care of yourself!

Worthwhile Tools and Resources

Are you the kind of moms who appreciates an app that will make your life easier? Check out a few of our favorites below,

  • Habit List - The easiest way to create a routine that works for you? Establish habits that hold the whole thing together. Habit List makes it easy to develop habits to help you land in a routine that works for you and reach your goals.
  • Life 360 - Want a simple way to see if dad's on his way home? If your oldest made it from school to her friends house? Life 360 makes it easy!
  • Keepy - an simple yet ingenious system to help you keep all your child's art projects in a clutter-free way. 
  • Cozi Family Organizer - the ultimate way to keep schedules, tasks, and more organized in one central location. Best of all? It automatically pairs with the calendar of choice (Google or Apple)

Do you have any back to school tips that help you manage your time and responsibilities effectively? Share them with us in the comments below! We would love to hear from you.

August 03, 2022 — Temidayo Adedokun

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